There are several great zone 7 climbing vines that can be planted along your fence line to add some visual interest.
Sometimes fences just feel like they need a little something extra, and that’s where these great climbing vines come in! Planting some beautiful creepers along your fence line can really elevate the look of your fence and property, especially if you’re an avid gardener that wants to try something new and utilize the vertical space your fence provides. Thankfully, there are several beautiful and interesting climbing vines that can be planted in zone 7 to greenify your fence.
American Wisteria
American Wisteria is a stunning vine plant that produces elegant purple blooms in huge clusters. This plant is a vigorous grower and will need regular pruning, but it can handle many different soil conditions and it is also drought tolerant. Keep in mind that a healthier plant will produce more vibrant blooms, but even a beginner can plant this climbing vine along their fence and watch it grow to its full potential, around 20-25 feet.
Clematis comes in a wide array of bloom colors and types, so there’s something for everyone that wants to grow them. These plants require at least 6 hours of daily sunlight to bloom, but the soil should remain cooler, so planting around the base of the clematis to shade the soil will be important for its health and to enjoy its beautiful and vibrant flowers. The type of Clematis you grow will determine its overall length, which can be anywhere from 5 to 20 feet.
Dutchman’s Pipe
The Dutchman’s Pipe, or Pipe Vine, produces visually fascinating flowers that will have everyone talking. Like the Clematis, Dutchman’s Pipe prefers at least 6 hours of daily sunlight. It also needs soil that drains well but stays moist. Other than those factors, an important thing to consider is that this vine plant is a highly vigorous grower, so anything trying to compete with it for space or nutrients will lose. It’s best to give this plant a lot of space to thrive and it will grow to an incredible 25 to 30 feet.
Virginia Creeper
Another vigorous grower, the Virginia Creeper is a standalone winner for low-maintenance climbing vines. This plant will thrive in any level of light and any kind of soil, only needing occasional pruning and tying up to keep it from going wild. This one doesn’t have any brilliant blossoms, but it produces a swathe of green leaves in the summer that turn a vibrant crimson when the fall temperatures start. This hardy creeper can grow up to an astonishing 50 feet!
Trumpet Vine
The Trumpet Vine gets its name from its bright orange, trumpet-shaped flowers. The most aggressive grower on this list, some people consider this plant invasive. Due to this, it’s important to carefully maintain Trumpet Vine and keep it properly pruned. This vine grows well in sunlight or partial shade, preferring well-draining soil but being highly adaptable to most soil types and growing up to 30 to 40 feet. One of the best aspects of this beautiful creeper is that the lovely trumpet-shaped flowers attract hummingbirds!
Commercial Fences from Hercules Fence DC
Hercules Fence DC has been providing property owners with quality fences for over 50 years. We are well equipped to meet your needs, whether they are residential or commercial. We have extensive experience working with families and pet owners to keep the most important members of their home safe, so call us today about installing a new pet fence for your family. Contact us by giving us a call at 301-441-1600 or visiting us online. To see examples of our work, follow us on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, and Flickr.