Taking care of your residential fence can be rewarding in numerous ways. A residential fence that has been maintained can increase your home’s curb appeal, add value to the market value of your home, keep your property secured, and make your neighborhood more appealing to prospective homebuyers. However, when a residential fence starts to fall into disarray, it can lose its charm within a community. Small signs of a residential fence needing repair can turn into an even bigger eyesore, so it’s best to contact Hercules Fence DC for a repair. Here are a few signs that your residential fence needs repair.

Your residential fence should never become an eyesore. Here are some signs it needs repair.
Warping, Bending, and Cracking
When a residential fence starts to look warped in appearance, it’s a definite sign that it’s in need of repair. If you have a wood fence, warping can mean that the cement footing has been too heavily seeped with groundwater and needs to be repaired. If you observe cracks towards the base of your fencing, dry rot may be to blame. Cracks toward the bottom of a fence can also be an indicator of potential pests having moved into the base of your fence. Hercules Fence DC can provide you with an estimate if your fence needs repair.
Discoloration or Rust
Residential wood and vinyl fences, after a year or so of installation, may face discoloration challenges due to being exposed to outdoor weather conditions. Wood and vinyl fences can both grow mildew, mold, and moss which can result in a green-tinted appearance. Fortunately, these residential fences can usually be treated with a light pressure wash to restore their original color. When ornamental fences are involved, rust is an indicator that your fence needs repair. By scrubbing your ornamental fence with an anti-rust product regularly, you can potentially prevent additional rust.
Visible Breaks in the Fence
Whether your wood fence has visibly broken posts or a vinyl fence has experienced a break during a storm, a visible break within a fence is a sure sign that your residential fence is in need of repair. Hercules Fence DC can drop by for an in-person consultation to determine how your fence can be restored to its original condition.
Residential Fences from Hercules Fence DC
Hercules Fence DC has been providing property owners with quality fences for over 50 years. We are well-equipped to meet your needs, whether they are residential or commercial. We have extensive experience working with families and pet owners to keep the most important members of their home safe, so call us today about installing a new pet fence for your family. Contact us by giving us a call at 301-441-1600 or visiting us online. To see examples of our work, follow us on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, and Flickr.