Inclement weather is dangerous in many ways, and it can do a lot of damage. Heat, wind, rain, and snow are all capable of causing significant harm to your home fence.
The weather impacts fences in many ways. Over the years, a fence has to withstand rain, hail, snow, ice, insects, animals, and even people. When you pick out a brand new fence, consider how it will handle the pressure of environmental elements. Some fencing ranks high in structural integrity, while some fencing doesn’t. Lately, the East Coast has been facing a lot of rain, storms, and inclement weather. Here is a look at how the weather can impact a home fence.
What Heat and Cold Does to a Home Fence
The ideal home fence accommodates a wide range of temperatures. When the temperature drops in the winter, some fences become brittle and less flexible. This fragility and pressure might cause a fence to break or crack. Also, some fences expand in hot temperatures. It can cause damage if the fencing isn’t flexible enough to allow room for expansion and contraction. The fence can also warp and pull the boards off of its fasteners.
What to Know About Sunlight
Some fences might become discolored or degraded when exposed to ultraviolet (UV) rays. Wood fences, for example, fade quicker than other materials because of sunlight. Cedar, redwood, and any pressure-treated wooden fence are excellent because they resist rotting. Also, vinyl fencing prevents UV ray degradation.
The Impact of Moisture
When water sits on an absorbent material, it creates mold, mildew, or rot. Wood fences, without the proper protection, are susceptible to moisture damage. Check if your residential fence feels soft because this could indicate decay. It would be best if you also looked for small holes or cracks that you can patch with putty. Fencing with waterproof treatments protects against moisture. Also, consider aluminum or vinyl fences because they are impenetrable.
What to Consider About Snow, Ice, and Hail
Snow and ice essentially do the same thing as moisture. For aluminum fences, precipitation isn’t as problematic. However, in a fence with broad, flat surfaces or large post caps, the weight of built-up snow or ice can cause sagging, cracking, or warping. Choosing a fence that isn’t a match for winter weather is best and brush off large pieces of snow when you can.
Regarding hail, it can be very destructive, depending on its size, damaging cars, and roofs. However, it also targets fences and leaves unattractive marks. If you’re concerned about this, choose aluminum.
When There are Strong Winds
Moderate winds aren’t an issue for most fencing materials. However, robust wind can push over some fence types. Also, wind can blow dust, leaves, and grass against your fence. If staining is a concern, opt for a fence that won’t stain and that you can clean effortlessly.
Most importantly, ensure that you hire a professional fencing company to construct and install a fence that won’t leave you worried about the weather. Hercules Fence DC is that company. Contact us today.
Residential Fences from Hercules Fence DC
Hercules Fence DC has been providing property owners with quality fences for over 50 years. We are well equipped to meet your needs, whether they are residential or commercial. We have extensive experience working with families and pet owners to keep the most important members of their home safe, so call us today about installing a new pet fence for your family. Contact us by giving us a call at 301-441-1600 or visiting us online. To see examples of our work, follow us on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, and Flickr.