Learn if installing a privacy fence is the right decision for your yard.
When you decide that it is time to install a fence around your yard, you’re going to find that there is a huge variety of styles, materials, and options. Depending on the reason you’re opting for a fence now, you may be able to narrow down the choices quickly. If you’re fencing in your yard because you got a husky, for instance, no open style or low fence will contain your dog. If you’re keeping in cattle instead, the fence doesn’t need to be as tall or solid. One of the biggest reasons people opt for a fence, however, is because they want privacy in their yard. Here are four factors to consider about your situation before deciding that a privacy fence is right for you.
Busyness Of Community
If you live in a busy community, a privacy fence could be a good investment. If the roads through your neighborhood attract a lot of traffic, a privacy fence can cut down on both the noise and the prying eyes. Likewise, if people tend to walk through your community to get to a neighboring business area or public transportation route, a privacy fence ensures that they aren’t looking into your property as they go. Their eyes aren’t necessarily malicious, but it’s okay not to want them to see you playing in the pool.
Time Away From The Home
If you spend a lot of time away from home, either for work or traveling, a privacy fence might be a good addition to your other home security features. It can help to shield your property from visibility so that potential thieves can’t tell if you’re home or not. It also helps to keep people from easily seeing if there is something worth breaking in for.
Kids And Pets
If you have kids and pets, you want to keep them safe. Privacy fencing is one of the best ways to do this. When you have a privacy fence, you can let your kids and pets play outside without worrying about people seeing them and possibly trying to hurt or take them. You also can rest easy that they won’t be able to climb or jump the fence as they get older.
Door-To-Door Visits
Door-to-door salesmen and solicitors, while often harmless, are a pretty annoying reality of being at home. If you also work from home, you likely have your day interrupted by them at least a few times each month, and possibly more. A privacy fence could help limit and even completely stop these interruptions.
Residential Fences for Your Home from Hercules Fence DC
Hercules Fence DC has been providing homeowners with quality fences for over 50 years. We are well equipped to meet your needs, whether they are residential or commercial. We have extensive experience working with families and pet owners to keep the most important members of their home safe, so call us today about installing a new pet fence for your family. Contact us by giving us a call at 301-441-1600 or visiting us online. To see examples of our work, follow us on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, and Flickr.