Complete these tasks to prep your fence for fall and winter weather.
If your home has a fence, now is the time to prepare it for the fall and winter seasons. Your fence made it successfully through the heat and rain of summer, and now it has to receive the proper care and attention it needs to make it through the coldest months of the year. Fortunately, there are a few things you and Hercules Fence of Washington, D.C. can do to prep your fence for fall and winter.
Inspect Your Fence for Signs of Damage
If you have a wood fence, inspecting it for signs of damage is especially important. Check to make sure that summer rainfall did not lead to any wood rot. No matter what fence style you have, you should inspect the fence posts and make sure that they are structurally sound. If one post is damaged, you can easily repair that part of the fence. You can also inspect your fence gate and latches for rust or damage.
You can look for signs of rot, including boards caving in, loose posts, and sagging gates. If your fence is rotting, it is best to replace it. Otherwise, the moisture and weight of snow could damage your fence significantly.
Protect Your Fence from Moisture
It is always helpful to prep your fence by making sure that it is waterproofed and free from the risk of future rot. If you have a vinyl fence, it is already waterproof. To check that your wood fence is still waterproofed, you can perform a “splash test.” If the wood absorbs the water, you should apply a sealant or waterproof stain layer. The fencing experts at Hercules Fence D.C. can apply the best sealant to your fence and assure an attractive and waterproof look.
Keep Leaves and Snow From Your Fence
Finally, you will want to prep your fence for future fall and winter weather by staying up-to-date with debris removal. Make sure to rake leaves away from your fence promptly. Leaves can collect moisture and can lead to rot or algae growth on fences. If you don’t remove leaves early, they build up and get rained and snowed on, creating further problems.
Once it snows, you should also shovel snow away from your fence and remove it from the fence posts if it is especially heavy. The weight and moisture of the snow could damage your fence if left to sit and melt.
By taking the time to prep your fence for fall and winter weather, you can assure that your home fence is beautiful and sturdy for years to come.
Residential Fences from Hercules Fence DC
Hercules Fence DC has been providing property owners with quality fences for over 50 years. We are well equipped to meet your needs, whether they are residential or commercial. We have extensive experience working with families and pet owners to keep the most important members of their home safe, so call us today about installing a new pet fence for your family. Contact us by giving us a call at 301-441-1600 or visiting us online. To see examples of our work, follow us on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, and Flickr.