Your wrought iron fence demands specific care during the winter months.
Wrought iron fencing is a popular fencing choice for commercial and residential properties that want security with style. However, the unique material requires special care during the harsh winter months to remain useful and attractive. Fortunately, there are a few simple tasks you can do today to prepare your wrought iron fence for upcoming winter weather.
Clean Your Wrought Iron Fence
Cleaning is always an important part of wrought iron fencing maintenance. Cleaning the fence keeps environmental contaminants from building up on the surface and ruining the look of the fence or even degrading the coating. Ideally, the fence would be cleaned once a week, but you should take the time at least once a month to clean your fence.
Dangers of Salted Roads
You should take specific steps to prepare your wrought iron fence for winter weather if your fence borders a frequently-traveled road. These roads will likely be salted often during the winter, and salt splashing onto your iron fence can destroy it over time. When possible, wipe down the portion of the fence near the road with warm, salty water. After cleaning, you can apply a coat of protective wax to protect it from the salt.
Remove Any Rust
Different coatings on wrought iron fences often work to protect your fence from rust, but if exposed to enough harsh elements, rust can still develop. If you spot rust on your wrought iron fence, it is best to remove it before the next snowfall, which will exacerbate the rust.
Where to Find Rust
Rust often accumulates in the joints between the slats and bottom run, around ornamental features, and on thinner pieces of iron. You can remove rust with a paint scraper and wire brush. Regular rust removal prevents rust buildup.
Prime and Paint Your Wrought Iron Fence
Once your fence is rust-free, you can sand, prime, and paint the fence to protect it from the elements. Sanding will remove any rust or paint chips, which leaves you with a smooth painting surface. Between sanding and painting, it is helpful to prime your fence to help the paint go on smoothly and evenly and to protect your fence further. Finally, you can paint your fence with any rust-resistant outdoor metal paint you prefer.
Preferred in Warmer Months
Unfortunately, priming and painting are best when done in warmer months, since it involves several hours of drying time. If the temperatures aren’t warm enough to paint your fence before the next snowfall, maintain your awareness of rust and salt buildup on your fence and be sure to clean and remove rust. Following those two essential wrought iron fence maintenance tasks is an essential year-round responsibility for wrought iron fence owners.
Residential Fences for Your Home from Hercules Fence DC
Hercules Fence DC has been providing homeowners with quality fences for over 50 years. We are well equipped to meet your needs, whether they are residential or commercial. We have extensive experience working with families and pet owners to keep the most important members of their home safe, so call us today about installing a new pet fence for your family. Contact us by giving us a call at 301-441-1600 or visiting us online. To see examples of our work, follow us on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, and Flickr.